Signs Medical Marijuana Is Taming the Opioid Epidemic

In states where medical marijuana is legal, a new study finds that fewer motorists killed in traffic accidents test positive for opioids—providing further evidence that cannabis medicine brings about a reduction in the use of prescription painkillers.

Researchers from Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health say that in a...

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Hospital Hopes To Be First To Allow MMJ Use

An elected member of the board that oversees the Marin General Hospital in Northern California wants the institution to be the first acute-care facility in the country to allow patients to use medical marijuana.

California legalized medical marijuana a decade ago, but federal prohibitions have kept hospitals leery of allowing patients to use...

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No cannabis oil for you, back of the line!

David Burton has esophageal cancer and has been given 10 months to live.

His cancer, diagnosed in July, was too advanced. He was told it was incurable and inoperable.

“The chemotherapy I was getting was to slow it down and hopefully prolong life. But I was so sick. I nearly died. I couldn’t even lift my head up,” he said.

Then he began taking hemp oil and within a few days he noticed a marked difference.

“There was no blood, no pain, and I could eat anything.”

He asked to leave hospital and go home. “The doctor thought I wanted to go home to pass away. But I’m a totally different man. I’ve got quality of life.”

“The doctor says it’s making me feel good but masking the symptoms.

“To me it’s a miracle. I feel better today than I have ever felt in my life.

The sad thing is:

Specialists in NSW can prescribe medical cannabis products(TGA approved Pharmaceutical products) to patients under strict conditions, if they have exhausted other options, but this does not include the use of cannabis oil.

Now it doesn't say in the article from the Telegraph what the "hemp oil" actually is, not in detail. Is it a 1-1 THC/CBD oil, a tincture (mixture of oil and glycerine)
Does the doctor who said " it’s making me feel good but masking the symptoms" know of the human bodies endo-cannabinoid system?
There are published studies of cannabinoids such as THC and CBD killing cancer cells, this has been proven. Scientists such as Dennis Hill (bio chemist) who swear they cured themselves or stage 3 prostate cancer using just cannabis oil and didn't miss a day of work (he actually worked two jobs) Dennis also supplied his biopsy reports.
Of course the above mentioned studies are pre-clinical and the sad fact is, pharmaceutical companies are uninterested in funding clinical trials when there is no monetary reward at the end of it.
If they can't patent, control and profit from it, they're not interested.
So where does this leave those like David Burton? The pharmaceutical companies can't and won't help and the TGA only deal with pharmaceutical companies.
Around and around we go whilst our loved-ones die.

What a sad state the world is in when the law prevents a dying man, a father, the right to try and cure himself without fear of prosecution.


Arizer Air vaporiser review

Arizer Air vaporiser review

Ultra-compact & lightweight, easy to operate & maintain, and completely portable, the Arizer Air features a high quality ceramic heating element, high quality glass dishes, and high quality rechargeable, interchangeable lithium batteries; referenced from Arizer's website.

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