Ok, so the TGA have finally shown their cards and as expected, cannabis will be highly regulated for pharmaceutical companies to maintain an oligopoly. This will also allow the government to scrape a few tax crumbs. I don't expect the pharmaceutical companies will be too generous in this regard.
Morally this is wrong in my opinion considering the scientific based research provided by neuropsychopharmacologist Prof David Nutt..See credentials on wikipedia;
Prefessor Nutt's study can be viewed here: Development of a rational scale to assess the harm of drugs of potential misuse

below is professor Nutt's table assessment

professor Nutt's table assessment

As can be seen from the assessment, cannabis is substantially less harmful than alcohol or tobacco.
This has not taken into account that;
1) cannabis is more often than not mixed with tobacco, particularly in the UK and Australia.
2) Cannabis does not need to be smoked, the safer option being either vaporising, (no carcinogens produced) or ingesting extracted oils, again avoiding the production of carcinogens through the process of burning plant matter.
3) The governments worldwide have provided zero education on safer cannabis use, generally just propaganda.

simplified assessment below

simplified assessment


