Lanai Carter's experience applying for medical cannabis through the TGA (Special Access Scheme) wasn't so smooth.
Lanai said; “Our son (diagnosed with a brain tumour at the age of 14) has already endured an 11-month wait for an approval from the Federal TGA special Access scheme. “That process was cumbersome, lengthy, and tortuous to say the least,” she said.
It was only when Lanai threatened legal action that things started to move a bit quicker.

With this new announcment from the NSW government "medical cannabis now available". It seems as though the patient still needs to go through the same process;
1) first to find a doctor (have doctors been educatated about medical cannabis and the endocannabinoid system?)
2) Is there any form of subsidy, I know that GW pharmacueticals product Sativex is extremely expensive.
3) Where and how do we get the various cannabis medicines?
4) Will mavericks like Tony Bower of Mullaways medical cannabis be allowed? his product has been tested over several years with seemingly great success.
5) How long is the expected wait once the application has been submitted?

So many unanswered questions.